06: Skimming the Poison Tide: To start with, you'll need to head round the back of the large tower at the end of the Cap Kingdom, which you can reach by possessing the Paragoomba at the beginning of the bridge, and pressing B repeatedly to fly yourself round the back of the tower.05: Shopping in Bonneton: Buy a power moon (or 10) at the Cap Kingdom's Crazy Cap store.Simply speak to Captain Toad at the very pinnacle of the tower, and he'll hand over a Power Moon. 04: Good Evening, Captain Toad!: To get this Power Moon, you'll have to return to the very top of the tower in the Cap Kingdom after having progressed to the next Kingdom.(Rolling gives you the speed you need to get there before the timer runs out.) Collect the power moon on the yellow platform at the end of the bridge. Roll up and down the hills on the bridge. 03: Cap Kingdom Timer Challenge 1: At the end of the bridge that leads to Top-Hat Tower, throw Cappy at the scarecrow.Now just flick the joycons to perform an extra high jump, and you'll obtain another Power Moon. 02: Frog-jumping from the Top Deck: For the second Power Moon in the Cap Kingdom, all you have to do is head to the central plaza area where the two hat merchants are standing, and then jump onto the tallest building in the vicinity, while possessing a frog.Jump up from the hidden block to get the Frog-jumping above the power moon. Jump on top of the question mark blocks on the second hat. Jump to the first hat and then the second hat.

Head back in the direction of your ship, and look over the railing for two hats sitting down among the fog.